Ov Sulfur Exceeds Expectations with Monumental Release ‘Death Ov Circumstance’

It’s been a couple of months since deathcore giants Ov Sulfur graced our pages, but the Century Media Records signed act are back with an early Christmas present for all you fiends to lose your minds over. Following on from their epic singles ‘Wide Open‘ and ‘Stained in Rot‘, the deathcore quartet deliver a song that’s going to turn heads and really showcase what this band are capable of.

On ‘Death Ov Circumstance‘, frontman Ricky Hoover‘s bellowing vocals take centre stage amongst fleeting guitar riffs, overly impressive solos, frantic drums and operatic/anxiety-induing synth – but the real kicker is his clean vocals that just show up out of nowhere and, well, they’re goooooood!!!! Vocal delivery and diversity in the deathcore game can be hit and miss at times, but when executed with precision, the end result (alongside appropriate backing instrumentals) can take a band from local heroes to international wave riders in a matter of minutes.

We asked Ricky about the song’s inspiration, to which he tells us here at Wall of Sound:

“This is another perspective on the poison that is religion. Rather than directly attack the current church, I looked back on history to the Salem Witch Trials. That was a time when Christianity persecuted others, while its believers either picked up their torches at worst or turned a blind eye at best – a pretty terrible best case scenario. This is a scenario that’s repeated itself throughout history during slaughters such as the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition.”

I personally love a good assault on the churches, so that’s another big win for me personally. Guitarist/Vocalist Chase Wilson also adds,

“After the full-on brutal attack of ‘Stained in Rot’ here’s a song with… ZERO BLAST BEATS! Don’t worry, though, the song kicks in HARD with a churning war march and only lets up for our best melodic hooks yet. In fact, hearing the unfinished version of this track is what really opened our eyes to how diverse Ricky’s vocals were – not just in screaming but also singing. Wait until you hear the bridge!”

To accompany the monumental-sounding track, there’s a music video inbound (later today) that reflects the side of the witches during the Salem Witch Trials:

“Our video is more of a fantasy world where the witches get their revenge. After one and her baby are burned alive, she and her friends come back to enact some sweet justice.”

We will update this piece once the video drops, until then, start stretching your necks in anticipation!

Words by Paul ‘Browny’ Brown @brownypaul

Stream ‘Death Ov Circumstance‘ below

About Paul 'Browny' Brown (3891 Articles)
Dad, Wall of Sound Boss Man/Editorial Manager, Moshpit Enthusiast & Professional Beard Grower!