New Music

Suspect208 Return With Highly Anticipated New Single 'All Black'

Dec 7, 2020
7 min read

On the back of stellar debut single 'Long Awaited', Suspect208 have backed it up with an absolute beauty in 'All Black'. They’ve teased this song for a few weeks now and it does not disappoint. For this new release, the guys have headed in a faster paced/poppier outing which hones in on their unique sound and whilst it marks a bit of a departure from their first release, this is a more upbeat venture than their debut single which stopped the rock music world in its tracks (after we broke it worldwide), but still very cool nonetheless.

With the film clip being staged at the iconic Sunset Strip club, The Viper Room, Suspect208 have all but cemented their place as Rock n Roll's next Juggernaut.

Film clip producer @sage.flores (under the moniker @sunburstfilms) had previously worked with singer Noah Weiland and drummer London Hudson on their song 'Shark Attack', a pseudo-industrial rush of adrenaline that sees the guys stuffing about in a kiddy pool in nothing but their dickies.

For this venture they’ve got their full kit on and go about rocking their complete arses off with their epic bassist Tye Trujillo and killer guitarist Niko Tsangaris. These guys are a must listen to if you’re a fan of any rock band from Zeppelin til now. Get on board. They are going to be huge.

During an interview we conducted after their debut single 'Long Awaited' blew up, we spoke with guitarist Niko Tsangaris and bassist Tye Trujillo about the band's future plans and they revealed they've got a bunch of songs on the way for keen and eager fans:

“We have an EP releasing relatively soon, after that our plan is to continue on writing new material until we have a solid selection of songs”

This is the start of something beautiful, jump on the bandwagon now so you can say you were there from the start...

Words by Duane James @duanejamestattoo

Follow Suspect208 on FacebookInstagram and YouTube
Keep up via their personal Instagram accounts: NikoTyeLondon

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