It's new RedHook day!
The band have premiered their new single 'Imposter' unto the world which also features a very special guest... that we kinda already revealed in the title... duh!
Yours Truly frontwoman Mikaila Delgado joins the Emmy Mack and 'Hooks for a synth-filled rock jam that's without a doubt going to have the next generation of upcomers racing for their best friends and dragging them into the studio. This collaboration hits hard and is a great example of what this band do best - writing catchy hooks that make you want to jump about the place.
I can foresee this becoming a staple at their upcoming album launch tour in May - following the band's various shows supporting the SMASHING PUMPKINS AND JANE'S ADDICTION next month (tickets here). Their debut album Postcard from a Living Hell hits streaming and physicals on April 21st.
You know what to do, get it India!
Stream 'Imposter' here
Pre-order Postcard from a Living Hell here

RedHook - Postcard from a Living Hell tracklisting
coming soon...