What are twenty one pilots teasing...

They’re fairly local, they’ve been around, they’ve seen the streets you’re walking down.
Who are they? They’re twenty one pilots and for the entire last year, they’ve also been completely off social media and not saying a word or so much as hinting at any form of new music.
Until now.
The duo have been leaving fans on edge over the last few days with their very small, cryptic, almost coded tweets and posts with little to no context that is confusing and somewhat hard to follow, but with the help of my friend Madeliene who has caught me up on everything, I’ve got all the details to fill you in on what could be the lead up to a huge announcement. Hopefully an album release or better yet, another world tour.
On the 7/7/17, the blurryface era ended with a picture of an eye that was closed and that was the last public post that anyone really knew of. In true form of the duo, they’re never entirely inactive, which meant that whether everyone was aware or not, there was a secret twitter account that was tweeting and deleting cryptic things that were mainly just strange links. Their next move was to change the html in their website which re-directed people to links of certain artworks of something known as “Clancy”. There are many theories about what “Clancy” is — many people thinking it may be blurryface’s alter ego, but nobody knows for sure. Every now and again, something on the website would change when the mysterious twitter account would post a link that was really nothing, but once the “Clancy” post came into play, everything changed.
This picture was posted
That is quite hard to read, saying:
“They’re asleep. The night took forever to arrive, and now we’re almost ready. We’ve studied the watchers, and know that there’s no chance that we can step through unnoticed. So, instead of trying to hide ourselves, we’ll make sure that all of us are noticed. It’s been one year since the last convocation, and tomorrow’s Annual Assemblage of Glorified will be the biggest spectacle this concrete coffin of a city has seen all year. If we time it right, we’ll divert the attention of the watchers and finally take the step through. We’ve had no contact, but we’re hoping the other side will be able to find a way in. We’re not sure of the breach location, but we are willing to risk being amerced in order to find it. We know that we must go lower, and wait for the torches. They’ve never seen anything quite like this, and by morning, everything will be different. I’m terrified and excited, all at the same time. They don’t control us. — Clancy”
What does that mean exactly? Beats me, but I’m more than certain it will make sense once everything is completely announced. Now, this is where fans really started to notice the finest details and pick up that things were really coming together and the band would be back soon. Josh Dun dyed his hair neon yellow the last time he was public on both social media and in general, but it’s just plain old brown now, but Jenna Joseph (Tyler’s wife) has been posting photos wearing things with subtle hints of yellow, the number 13, and the letter F, which makes no sense when I say it, but it absolutely is better explained in this tweet
There has been many theories about what the fuck is going on with this pair and that was only heightened when on the one year anniversary of their disappearance, they sent an email out with a gif of an open eye and tweeted a short video which came at a surprise to everyone since they had not hinted or given any clues that they were going to post anything at all. Since the opening eye gif and short video, their secret account has now been deleted and it’s been said by 199FM that new things are coming, and now posters with yellow and their well known icon have been put up around London. Could London be the “breach location” that was spoken of?
Fans have taken all these clues and put it together that an announcement of sorts will be released on Friday the 13th.
During my time writing this article, twenty one pilots have since tweeted another video and the eye is opening fast. The newest prediction is that there is going to be an album drop or single released at 10pm on Friday, but due to how fast the eye is opening, it has potential to be Thursday.
There are theories that are blowing up throughout the loyal fanbase that are known as the clique, all over twitter and everyone is on edge about what is happening next and when will Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph show themselves and their talents again?
I cannot wait to find out what is in store but for now what I can say is, I’d normally find it dangerous for an artist to take such a long gap without any social media or publicity as people lose interest, but this was a clever move on their behalf, giving out hints and keeping the loyal fans interested without being public about it.
Written by Heather McNab
Special thanks to Madeleine
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXRviuL6vMY&w=853&h=480]