New Music

The Southern River Band Unleash Payday Anthem 'F**k You, Pay Me' Ahead of Busiest Year Yet!

Mar 17, 2025
7 min read

West Australia has a lot to prove.

Being the located on the most isolated side of the country, bands have to scream and make noise twice as loud as their East Coast counterparts just to get noticed, but it's obviously working because eyes are starting to turn to their part of the country.

Shining a light on The Southern River Band - who have been making a name for themselves in the Aussie rock scene and following in the footsteps of Amyl and The Sniffers and The Chats before them - the band, consisting of members Dan Carroll, Cal Kramer, Tyler Michie, and Pat Smith have been dubbed as the Aussie equivelent of The Darkness and even scored praise from their own frontman Justin Hawkins (as well as a support slot on their last tour here). That prise has not only helped catapult their name across the country, but they've also been picked up to play some of the most awe-inspiring UK and European Festivals this side of the new millennium including Hellfest in France, Ressurrection Fest in Spain, Copenhell in Denmark and the almighty Download Festival UK throughout June.

Before they make it over that way, they've obviously got new material to boot and recently the lads dropped their latest single 'F**k You, Pay Me', a no holds barred assault on the man to get what's owed to you. With soaring riffs and Cal's soon-to-be-iconic Aussie pub rock vocal display, it's got the makings to be your new pay day anthem, especially for the freelancers and labourers in the world.

On the new song, Cal shares:

“This song is for everyone who has ever been stiffed, ripped off, bullshitted or flat out not received what they were promised. To the guilty parties (see; thief) - F**k You, Pay Me.”

In celebration of the new tune, the band will hit the road in May playing shows across the county before jetting off to the other side of the world for the aforementoned festival assault.

Digging what you hear? Make sure to hit play and belt out your own rendition as you flick your latest invoice or timesheet to the payroll team; and if they're late, just flick the link to the video below and tell 'em Uncle WoS sent ya!

Words by Paul 'Browny' Brown @brownypaul

The Southern River Band - Fuck You Pay Me Australian Tour

May 9 Crowbar, Brisbane

May 10 Crowbar, Sydney

May 15 Altar, Hobart

May 16 Max Watts, Melbourne

May 17 Lion Arts Factory, Adelaide

May 23 Rosemount, Perth

EU // UK Festival Circuit

June 11 Rock For People, Czech Republic

June 15 Download Festival, UK

June 19 Copenhell, Copenhagen

June 21 Hellfest, France

June 25 Resurrection Fest, Spain

Tickets Here

Paul 'Browny' Brown
CEO/Founder and Editor-In-Chief
Track listing:
Pub Rock/Punk
Release Date:
Mar 12, 2025

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