Kayzo Released His Song With The Late Kyle Pavone (We Came As Romans)

Remember that phase of alternative rockers teaming up with EDM producers which included the likes of A Day To Remember, All Time Low, Northlane and to a lesser extent, blink-182? Well another song has surfaced which needed to be spoken about and that's Kayzo's song 'LA Never Says Goodbye' with the late Kyle Pavone of We Came As Romans, who sadly passed away almost a year ago on August 26th, 2018.
The song comes from the producer's new album Unleashed which also has him teaming up with the likes of blessthefall, Of Mice & Men, Underoath and more and it's out today if you're interested to see what those new songs sound like. It's never easy listening to a posthumous song for an artist you love and adore, but I feel Kayzo has done a great job keeping Kyle's memory alive with this song.
Take a listen below and check out the full album here
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp2t13S5n3c&w=853&h=480]