Has Travis Barker teased Tom DeLonge's return to blink-182 or something else?

Ok, please, PLEASE take this with a grain of salt but social media is going NUTS right now at something that blink-182 drummer Travis Barker shared in his Instagram story... As you can see from the banner picture above, that's former guitarist Tom DeLonge's signature ES-333 Epiphone Guitar alongside Barker's drum sticks, and I know this because I have the exact same one hanging above my office computer (please don't rob me).
But the thing that is so fucking exciting is that blink-182 are currently recording their new album as we speak and they've even had to cancel shows so they can keep working on it... but, the fact that this sexy, iconic guitar is in the same studio is mind blowing for fans who are going into overdrive with so many questions.
Is Tom returning to blink? Is Tom featuring on the new blink album? Is Travis in the studio working on a new Box Car Racer album? (and to a lesser extent) is Matt Skiba using Tom's guitar for the new album?
[gallery ids="https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/tom-guitar-travis.jpg|,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/blink-travis-tom-1.jpg|" type="rectangular"]
All those questions are taking over right now and we literally know nothing, which is not only exciting but emotionally draining at the same time. Take what you will from this "teaser" picture and join the conversation with your opinions on our Facebook page right now.
Until an official word or statement is released, please feel free to check in with our Rolling Coverage of whether Tom DeLonge has rejoined blink-182 or not right here.
Browny @brownypaul
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvcOuExmeJg&w=853&h=480]