Attack Attack (US) Dropped A New Song Called 'All My Life'

Firstly let me state that in my opinion, Attack Attack is not Attack Attack without Caleb Shomo and he'll never return to that band because of his history with them/their fans (and the fact Beartooth are sooo much better).
But anyway, Attack Attack are back with OG members Andrew Wetzel and Andrew Whiting leading the charge with their easy synth-core sound (reminiscent of what Falling In Reverse were doing two years ago) and they're joined by new vocalist Chris Parketny (who ya might know from his old band Strangers to Wolves), keyboardist Cameron Perry and bassist Jay Miller.
Their comeback track 'All My Life', after being hyped up as a huge return, sounds a little too flat for me and didn't pack the punch I was expecting by the time the "breakdown" appeared towards the track's third section. Nostalgia these days are playing on what we used to love back in the day and we all loved the band's earliest eras right? But in this day and age, can they bring back those sounds and expect it to hit with fans, both new and old!?
Their last album was 2012's This Means War which not only marked the end of the band after its release but also Shomo's departure (where he consequently went on to start Beartooth).
In this case, should the band have stayed dead? If this is what they're going to be putting forth, I'd say so... But that's just me, what do you reckon?