Not the best news to wake up to, but it's been revealed Architects have parted ways with guitarist Josh Middleton, who joined the band following the passing of Tom Searle back in 2016.
In a statement on their Instagram post, from their latest date supporting Metallica in Hamburg, the band revealed:
It is with a heavy heart that we announce Josh’s time in the band has come to an end. It has gradually become apparent that we need to go our separate ways, but we remain close friends.
Josh was a life raft for the band after we lost Tom and he gave us a way to keep the band alive through the hardest experience of our lives. We will always be grateful to him for that.
We wish him the best in his future endeavours and we suggest that everyone keeps an eye out for the new Sylosis record later this year. x
Josh added the following on his own post about the departure:
I would just like to add a heartfelt thank you to the Architects fan base for being so accepting of me and the music I brought to the band. All of the kind words and support over the years has been greatly appreciated. As the statement says, we all remain friends and I wish the band continued success in the future!
For the ill-informed, Josh's band Sylosis has been continuously releasing music in between Archietcts' album cycles. More recently they dropped singles ‘Heavy Is The Crown’ and ‘Deadwood’ with an album being teased since way back in December 2021.
The Nuclear Blast band are gaining momentum in the metal community and as that popularity arises, so do Josh's duties it seems. It'll be sad to see Josh go, but we cannot wait to see what he does with his OG band, and what's in store for Architects moving into the future.