NOAHFINNCE Is Back with Pop Punk Jam ‘I Know Better’


It’s been a hot minute since we last checked in with NOAHFINNCE, who signed with Hopeless Records at the end of 2020 after blowing up on social media after amassing 850,000+ YouTube subscribers, over 650,000 TikTok followers and 350,000+ Instagram followers. Noah’s unapologetic approach to alternative music and no-nonsense takes on LGBT issues are shining a spotlight on the fresh talent and we can’t say no to that!

Now he’s back with ‘I Know Better‘, an upbeat pop punk jam that’s sure to hit the right spot with grungey guitars and electronic backing beat. The song is one for the mental health sufferers and as Noah explains, was written before and after a breakdown (of the mental kind).

“’I Know Better’ is about feeling yourself falling into unhealthy coping mechanisms and heading towards a breakdown but not having the motivation to stop yourself. I wrote the first half of the song when I could feel my mental health getting worse and worse and I finished the song after the inevitable breakdown. It was interesting to finish the song with a new perspective and see how self-aware but also self-destructive I was being. It was a very unique experience trying to get back into the headspace of anticipating a breakdown when you’ve only just managed to get out of it. I’d definitely say this song is a slight sneak peak of what’s to come. The song has the same angst and sarcasm as my old stuff but with a darker sound.”.

We’ve all fallen down that rabbit hole before, so pick yourself up with brand new NOAHFINNCE!

Stream ‘I KNOW BETTERhere


About Paul 'Browny' Brown (3894 Articles)
Dad, Wall of Sound Boss Man/Editorial Manager, Moshpit Enthusiast & Professional Beard Grower!