What’s going on with AFI?

AFI fans have woken up this morning in an absolute panic because, the band has not only loaded a photo of them online, minus frontman Davey Havok, but they’ve also removed all photos of him from all of the posts on their Instagram page too.

afi pics

Photo’s of Havok still remain on both the band’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, for now, which is sparking concerns for his whereabouts. Has he left? Had he been booted? What happened to him?

But, on the other side of things. maybe it’s time for the band to depart from the last album era (The Blood Album) and start promoting some new material which could be on the way soon. Their last release came out in January 2017 and on average they’ve released a new album every three or four years between. Considering its only been two, they could be changing that system up this time around.

Either that or ‘The Leaving Song Pt. III‘ has just been announced… Stay tuned for more!

Revisit drummer Adam Carson co-hosting on Wall of Sound: Up Against The Wall right here

About Paul 'Browny' Brown (3887 Articles)
Dad, Wall of Sound Boss Man/Editorial Manager, Moshpit Enthusiast & Professional Beard Grower!

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. AFI secretly dropped a new song overnight called ‘Get Dark’ from a forthcoming EP called The Missing Man – Wall Of Sound
  2. The Library of Dreams (AFI) | thecinematicexperiance
  3. AFI (gruppo musicale) - Wikipedia - SAPERELIBERO

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