You wanted it, you got it. Wall Of Sound TV has returned for a second serving of the best heavy hitting acts getting around right now.
Join hosts Paul 'Browny' Brown and Ebony Story alongside our deathcore connoisseur Ricky Aarons - as we bring you the best developments from the local and international scene - including Thy Art Is Murder's release plans for 2023 (there's lots), a glimpse into the future for Darko (US) regarding their live show expectations and how they'll give back to the scene that boosted their impressive rise to fame.
Ebony finally sat down face to face with Henry Cox of Boston Manor, while Browny gets his swoon on with Sam Carter from Architects, and gets the lowdown from Brisbane's new metal/punk/rock venue Bad Luck's booker about what to expect this opening weekend and beyond!
We also had the pleasure of hosting our very first in-studio guests - an upcoming post-hardcore outfit that unveiled a new album recently and dropped a very special scoop during our interview. You'll have to watch to find out who that is and what they've got to share!
[gallery type="square" columns="2" ids="https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/wos-tv-s-2e-1-darko.jpg|,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/wos-tv-s-2e-1-boston-manor.jpg|,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/wos-tv-s-2e-1-sam-carter.jpg|,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/wos-tv-s-2e-1-bad-luck-bar.jpg|"]
Finally, throughout Season 2, in each episode, we'll be shining a spotlight on a fantastic upcoming band from Australia worthy of your time and attention - and the first one just released an album that our reviewer scored a perfect 10/10. You do not want to miss the hype train with this act!
We told you it was jam-packed, didn't we! Less reading more streaming...
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Wall Of Sound TV – Season 2 - Episode 3:
Bunch O' Breakdowns