The epic climax of 2023 has finally arrived with Wall Of Sound TV Season 2's finaleFilmed live on location at Good Things Festival in Brisbane, hosts Browny and Ebony take us to completion throwing back to excellent chats we had with the likes of Between You & Me, Caleb Shomo of Beartooth and the iconic ElectricCallboy - backstage at the last show of not only their Australian Tour, but their Tekkno World Tour in 2023.Electric Callboy's Nico and David join us for a chat detailing the massive year they had touring new album TEKKNO, the experiences they had along the way (or in David's case forgot) and how they almost had to cancel their Sydney show and the dramatic lengths they undertook in order to get on stage at their biggest gig in Australia so far! They also let slip when they'll be coming back to Australia - and it's sooner than you think.

Pop punk kings Between You & Me share insights into the world of becoming an independent band and new single 'YEAH!' while CalebShomo talks candidly about his personal struggles and his close relationship with Australia.
Wall Of Sound TV – Season 2 Episode 4:That's A Wrap!