Don't expect Anberlin to make a comeback after their reunion shows

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Apr 16, 2019
7 min read

Australian Anberlin fans collectively lost their shit when the band announced they were heading back down under for a tour in May, especially since they hadn't played any other reunion tours anywhere else in the world (exclusiding their secret hometown show and appearance at Underoath's final US show last year), so we kinda feel a bit special in that regard.

But if you're expecting new music or more from the recently reformed band, chances are you're gonna have a bad time as drummer Nate Young revealed to our very own Ebony Story during their interview when she asked if this tour was the beginning of a comeback for them:

"Honestly at this point these shows are exactly what they are, they're us coming back to be able to play these shows in Australia and play a bunch of songs that people were into and just enjoy the fact that we can kind of all get back together and just play shows for people who wanna hear the old songs."

He goes on to add a big nail in the coffin for the idea:

"At this point, we're not getting back together for Anberlin to be our career... Honestly, since 2014 we've all started different lives and we've all gone different ways so it would honestly be borderline impossible for us to fully get back together and for Anberlin to be what it used to be."

"We toured full time and toured for 200-something days out of the year and at this point that would be physically impossible for us to do that, so that's not the goal in doing these shows..."

Since the band's breakup in 2014, they've only played two shows (mentioned above) with a 22-date American Tour kicking off after their Australian shows. Most of the members have other musical projects as well as Dad duties and sadly the band's former rhythm guitarist Nathan Strayer passed away in 2017. He was a key player in the band during the recording of their albums Never Take Friendship Personal (2005) and Cities (2007) both of which will be the focal point of the setlist on their upcoming tour.

If you want to get some Anberlin in your life, this may be the only chance we'll get them here for a while... so you know what you need to do.

Tickets on sale now via SBM Presents

anberlin tour

Anberlin – Australian Tour

May 25th @ The Tivoli, Bris

May 26th @ Enmore Theatre, Syd

May 29th @ Forum, Melb

May 30th @ HQ, Adel

May 31st @ Metropolis, Freo

Tickets Here


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