The Beautiful Monument Awaken with 'Duerme'

It's been a little over a year since we last heard new tunes from The Beautiful Monument. Following the latest era of singles 'Hellbound' and 'Misery', they played their biggest shows yet supporting the iconic Evanescence. Listeners old and new have had time to catch up on their discography, however some of us have been wondering what's next. Ahead of supporting Redhook on tour starting next week, the band have dropped new single 'Duerme'. Given the timeline since 'Misery' came out, I've been keen to dive into what The Beautiful Monument have been cooking.A spooky intro and heavy riffs punctuate the vocals, as they alternate between haunting reflection, and beautiful desperation. The lyricism on display encapsulates the desire of sleep as the seemingly only way to escape the difficult realities one might face. Lizi McIntosh taps into her Spanish background to contribute further meaning throughout the song. I don't know Spanish, and Google translate can only perform so well, however the meanings behind the included phrases and terms accentuate the genuine lyricism on display.Here is what LiziMcIntosh had to say on 'Duerme':
"In my sixteen years of being a part of this community I’ve encountered so many wonderful and encouraging people, but just like all things in life; where there are positives there are always negatives.
Unfortunately, being a human with emotions, you always tend to fixate on the things that deflate you and it becomes even more crippling when people who are supposed to be on your side doubt the things that you do or create. We've had people share unsolicited advice on past projects that has felt more critical than constructive when it came to writing and creating, to the point I genuinely started to consider if I should even continue if they didn’t believe we were capable. Believe it or not, this has inadvertently traumatised me and has made any sort of writing or recording incredibly daunting. In these moments it felt like being asleep was the only time I could switch my brain off.
'Duerme' is definitely something that everyone can relate to on some level, whether it’s schooling, crafting, relationships or whatever it may be. It sucks and it’s an extremely difficult mindset to try and move on from, no matter how many people tell you otherwise."
'Duerme' is a delightfully crafted single that demonstrates what I love about The Beautiful Monument. Their ability to create powerful music and infuse it with songwriting that is both raw and evocative is so fucking important. If you're seeing them on the upcoming Redhook tour, you'll be among the first audiences to see this incredible song live and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of the catharsis you can feel in their live sets.I'm curious to see the musical journey from here, and the beautiful future this band can create.Written by Tyler Lubke.
Listen to 'Duerme' here