Paleface Swiss Deliver Mid-Year Belter ‘Please End Me’

Paleface Swiss 2023

Paleface are now Paleface Swiss. As the name-change suggests, the deathcore band from Switzerland found themselves in a legal position to change their band name – but they’re completely unfazed.

Paleface Swiss blew minds with 2022 album Fear & Dagger and gave heavy music fans something to talk about in Switzerland, after the pseudo-breakup of metalcore triumphs Breakdown of Sanity. Having swept U.S. fans by storm on tour recently, the four-piece are back with some new hellish tunes.

A couple of months back, they dropped new single ‘Best Before: Death‘ which was a scrumptious successor to its aforementioned LP. The Zurich locals have a newer one now called ‘Please End Me‘ and they’ve been teasing it for about ten days.

The track blends in their immediate aggression with some new hardcore elements as well. Vocalist Marc Zelli gets even sharper as he belches through this beast. The breakdowns make records on the Richter scale and the whole band create chaos in perfect unison.

Words by Ricky Aarons (@rickysaul90)

Stream ‘Please End Mehere

Paleface Please End Me

About Ricky Aarons (889 Articles)
Co-editor at Wall of Sound and self-acclaimed deathcore connoisseur. My purpose is to expose you to the best emerging breakdowns and gutturals that this planet has to offer.