Tony Campos - Static-X 'Nothing But Good Memories of Australia'

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
May 1, 2023
3 min read

Anyone who’s ever accused Tony Campos of being lazy hasn’t been paying attention. The list of bands he’s been in over the last 20-plus years is a who’s who of the underground's greatest champions. Having played bass for the likes of Asesino, Brujeria, Possessed, Ministry, Prong, Soulfly and is currently pulling double duty playing with both Fear Factory and Static-X on their joint tour of North America.

The tour is an eventful affair for both camps as Fear Factory kicks off their first tour with new singer Milo Silvestro, with this being Static-X's second round with masked singer Xer0.

Wall of Sound had a yarn with Tony about how the tour was proceeding after a couple of shows were cancelled due to bad weather and the upcoming Static-X tour of the Aussie east coast in a couple of weeks with Chicago rockers SOiL and locals Witchgrinder.

Tony, thanks for joining us. So despite the weather, how has the tour been proceeding?

Yeah, it's been good. We worked out the kinks. Things are running pretty smooth now, and we're in the southern part of the country, so we’re not hitting all that snow. It makes it a little easier.

Has there been a good response from the fans?

Yeah it’s been awesome.

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Static-X - Back in action![/caption]

After your first tour with the masked Xer0, there was some backlash from a few gatekeepers regarding Static-X moving forward without Wayne. Now that it’s been going for four years, how do you feel about those gatekeepers with the new tour moving forward?

I mean, the same way we felt about them back then haha. Yeah, everyone with a keyboard has got an opinion, right? They think they know better than we do. They don’t know Wayne's family. Whatever man.

Given your experience rebooting a band with a new singer, have you had any advice for Dino Cazares on how to deal with the backlash after bringing in new singer Milo for Fear Factory?

Dino has been at this game a lot longer than I have. He knows what to expect. The experiences that he was having with Milo very much mirrored what we had in the beginning with Xer0.

At the end of the day, you're not going to make everybody happy. You’ve just got to follow your heart, do what feels right, and I think people pick up on that, and once you get out there and prove it.

Because you can talk about it and hype it up all you want, but until you actually can prove it. Then that's when people will see it and get behind it.

You’ll be returning to Australia for the first time since the Project Regeneration Tour in 2019. Do you have any good, or bad memories of your past trips to Australia?

I have nothing but good memories of Australia every time I've been there. It's been a blast and many not safe for work kind of experiences, if you know what I mean ha ha.

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Photo Gallery by Charlyn Cameron. Insta: @chuck_stuff

This time Xer0 will be sporting a new mask. One that’s been designed by Eddie Yang, famous for his work in Hollywood on films like Iron Man, Avatar, Terminator and Batman. How did that collaboration come about?

The guy is legit man. He’s the real deal. He’s into the stuff we do and obviously we’re into the stuff that he does. A little collab happened and it came out awesome.

In 2020 you released the album Project Regeneration Vol.1 which contained some of the last vocals recorded by Wayne Static, with Vol 2 being released in November, including the latest single/cover ‘Terrible Lie’. Are there anymore remaining vocals of Wayne’s, or is this the last of what’s left?

No, Volume 2 is it. Everything we have left is in Volume 2.

Now you’ve been in a million bands. Other than Static-X and Fear Factory, off the top of my head you were in Asesino, Ministry, Possessed, Soulfly, Brujeria and Prong. Are there any bands you haven’t played with that you’d like to be a part of?

Well if Robert Trujillo ever gets tired, I’d like a shot at that gig.

I know he keeps busy. Other than Metallica I think he still jumps on stage sometimes with Suicidal Tendencies.

Yeah, I used to see him all the time with Suicidal and Infectious Grooves.

Well Rob's son Tye Trujillo has stepped into his footprints and plays bass live with Suicidal. He’s got his main band OTTTO but on occasion, he jumps on with Suicidal and tries not to get bowled over by Cyco Mike.

Yeah, you know one of the Dimebashes I did, I got to do the song ‘War Inside My Head’, and the song starts with that little little bass solo kind of thing. So I'm up there doing the little bass solo thing and BOOOM, I get knocked over by Mike. It was awesome.

Well you guys are here in May for another quick run. It should be an insane night out. It’s been a genuine honour talking to you mate and we’ll catch you real soon.

Right on man, appreciate you having me

Interview by Duane James @duanejames666

Don't be a Bailing Ben, see Static-X on stage in Australia soon!

Static-X – Rise of the Machine Australian Tour
with special guest SOiL and Witchgrinder

Friday May 19 @ Northcote Theatre, Melbourne

Saturday May 20 @ The Metro, Sydney

Sunday May 21 @ Eatons Hill, Brisbane

Tickets Here

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