The Full Tilt tidal wave is thumping on Aussie shores at the moment. With speculation and excitement building for the Brisbane leg on April 23rd and also Full Tilt in July just being announced with a JACKED lineup, we're still recovering from the live music spectacle of Full Tilt Melbourne (our review here).
Wall of Sound Bossman Browny and Co-Editor Ricky managed to get behind the scenes with a few bands on the lineup, and as always, we got a couple of scoops in. With Make Them Suffer's Sean Harmanis revealing some cool plans with us about the future (read about it here), we also snagged Thy Art is Murder's Andy Marsh for a quick yarn.
The chat occurred before TAIM went on stage with Justice for the Damned's Bobak Raffiee filling in on vocal duties, as CJ McMahon had his hands full with a new baby. We dived in with Marshy where we learned five awesome things about the band that you'll want to be across - check it out below.
Scoop 1 - Thy Art Is Murder are in New Jersey recording their new album right now
With international borders opening, TAIM have headed over to the U.S. for their Back From The Gulag tour, and Marsh reveals that there'll be more than touring happening overseas. When we asked where they'll be recording their next album, he shared the when and where immediately.
"New Jersey - I’m going over on Tuesday," he said at the time of the interview. "We’re going to get started on it in three months from last week," as of 26 March.
Scoop 2 - Will Putney is once again mixing the new TAIM album
Having recently chatted to Will Putney on Wall of Sound Virtual Hangs ahead of Fit For An Autopsy's Oh What The Future Holds LP release (our review here), we delved into all the heavy bands Putney's been working on mixing albums for, and he certainly didn't rule out TAIM in 2022.
With Marsh heading up heavy Aussie label Human Warfare, and having both Will's bands FFAA and END on the roster, we thought we'd see what we could get him to spill regarding the possibility of Putney being involved in the next TAIM album, and his response was concise, but all-encompassing.
"Oh yeah, I mean, course," he laughs.
Scoop 3 - Fit For An Autopsy are coming down to Australia for a headlining tour
With the decimation of so many international tours throughout COVID, one of the saddest losses was the TAIM Human Target Aussie headliner, featuring FFAA, Dying Fetus, Enterprise Earth and Aversions Crown. Moving past the devastation, Marsh reveals that at least part of that tour is getting reinstated in some capacity.

With most of the original bands on the tour rockin' the Human Warfare roster, we asked Marsh whether we can expect FFAA to support TAIM in Australia soon, to which he answered our question with a question.
"Do we think that FFAA should headline an Australian tour." he laughs again, realising the size of the reveal. "I’ll see what I can do," he continues in his best 'label head honcho' voice.
So there you have it - hopefully, we'll get an announcement soon and see FFAA and TAIM reunited once again after tearing it up on their last Aussie tour together with Emmure (Perth review here).
Scoop 4 - Fit For An Autopsy headliner will include an international support who've never been to Australia
Marshy continues to elaborate on the forthcoming FFAA tour that's yet to be announced, as he can see the excitement building for us.
"Maybe another Human Warfare overseas band might be coming over that hasn’t been here before."
As we started to figure out who the band could be that's joining FFAA and TAIM, he helps us out a bit.
"It’s a small roster, it’s not that hard."
Whilst Enterprise Earth was originally on the tour (see above), Great American Ghost also makes a great contender, however END may be a better one, given the outfit includes Fit For An Autopsy's Will Putney. Whilst Putney hasn't been touring with the band in the U.S. recently and is usually more involved in the recording and mixing side of things, perhaps he could return down under and take on double duties with both of his babies.
Place your bets below on the full Human Warfare roster:

Scoop 5 - Thy Art is Murder will embark on a Hate ten-year anniversary tour
Ok, here's the scoop you've all been waiting for. With TAIM's precious Hate album hitting ten years of existence, there's been a lot of speculation that there might be a ten-year anniversary tour. We ventured down the path with Marsh and also asked what it felt like to reach this milestone.
"I don't know. We didn’t set out to do anything, we just made an album, but people liked it so we’re here. Obviously we’re proud of the stuff we made when we made it, but you know it’s given us a career and an opportunity to make friends and travel... it changed our lives."
On the tour speculation, Marshy is forthcoming.
"Yes. We’re gonna do a ten year tour, it’s gonna be great, you’re gonna love it, and if you don’t, you won’t, what do we care?"

We had some good fun chatting with Marshy. Wearing his beloved XXXX Gold bucket hat, he shared how he'd love the beer brand to sponsor him and/or the band and we support the ambition. In terms of how he was feeling before hitting the stage at Full Tilt Melbourne, Marshy tells it how it is.
"I’d love a XXXX."
Words by Ricky Aarons (@rickysaul90) and Paul 'Browny' Brown (@brownypaul)
Thy Art Is Murder play Full Tilt Festival Brisbane on April 23rd.
Details here