EDIT: Were you one of the 10 people who haven't seen your tattoo in this gallery? Well, scroll to the bottom for a little surprise...
One of the coolest things about the heavy music community is the artwork people have on their bodies. You can recognise a like minded person just by the style of tattoo you see on their leg, the album artwork you see on their arm, or even the lyrics you recognise on their back.
At UNIFY Gathering 2020 we first debuted Tattoos of UNIFY, and we're back for a second instalment showcasing artists and their art on people around the festival. Were you snapped? If you were and you don't see your tattoo in this gallery, keep your eye out for another exciting piece of content coming soon...

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Rhiannon, VIC (Wall of Sound writer)
Artist: Jad Tattooer @jadtattooer
Breanna, NSW (Wall of Sound photographer)
Artist: Matt van Herten @mattvtattoos
Jordan, QLD
Artist: Douglas Ward @coyotedougly
Miri, VIC
Artist: Domino.Daily @domino.daily
Sam, VIC
Artist: Jake Danielson @jaketattoos
Dylan, VIC
Artist: Tay Ashby @mr_deadmind
Tay, VIC
Artist: Various artists @deadmindtattoos
Julia, VIC
Artist: Jad Tattooer @jadtattooer
Ashlee, TAS
Artist: Kal Stump @stumpbox
Trinity, VIC
Artist: Trashless Tattoos @addiktedtoink
Lili, VIC
Artist: Leonie New @leonienewtattoos and Aaron Hingston @aaron_hingston
Artist: Kal Stump @stumpbox
Lili-Jean, VIC
Artist: Rudie Rashid @rudietattoo
Kyal, NSW
Artist: The Death of Cool @deathofcool
Lilly, NSW
Artist: Ans @anspham
Jordan, VIC
Artist: Jordan Bradley @kingjbradz
Rhys, VIC
Artist: Josh Todaro @josh_todaro
Rhys, VIC
Artist: Josh Todaro @josh_todaro and Shell Valentine @shell_valentine_tattoo
Georgia and Amy, QLD
Artist: Brock Conry @brock_tattoo
Sarah, ACT
Artist: Sophia Baughan @sophiabaughan
Caity, VIC
Artist: 彫濤 @horinami_tattoo
Jono, NSW (Bloom)
Artist: Grace Audrey @graceaudreytattoo
James, VIC
Artist: Zane Stevens @zanetattoo
Ben, VIC
Artist: Matt Mooney @matty_d_mooney
Jordan, VIC (Starve)
Artist: Bran00b @bran00b
Carly, VIC
Artist: Hayden Thompson @haydenthompsontattoo
Lauren, NSW
Artist: Elly D @ellyd_
That's right, we've been holding onto these for a little bit while we created something awesome just for you. These five incredible tattoos were some of our favourites at the festival, but the top 5? You'll have to wait for Friday 17th of June.
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Scarlett, ACT (Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers)
Artist: Daniel @daniel.tattooer
Tom, VIC
Artist: Matthew Mooney @matty_d_mooney
Ashleigh, VIC
Artist: Helen Highwaters @highwaterstattoo
Courtnii, SA
Artist: SarahK @sarahktattoo
Axel, QLD (Wildheart)
Artist: Daniel Pap @danielpap
Words by Ebony Story
Relive our UNIFY Gathering coverage right here.