Angels & Airwaves ALSO Teased New Music In Their Documentary Trailer

Back in May, we told you about the upcoming Angels & Airwaves documentary which details their return to the music scene and how Tom DeLonge enlisted OG guitarist David Kennedy, drummer Ilan Rubin and newcomer bassist Matt Rubano.
Well, fast forward and today the band have revealed the doco will be released in 2020 via their new teaser, which also features a taste of yet another new song from the band called 'Time Bomb' So far we've heard both 'Rebel Girl' and 'Kiss & Tell' and I for one can't wait to see what the guys bring out next.
Revisit our coverage of AvA's show in San Francisco right here and keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed for an Australian tour asap!
2019 may have been an amazing year for music, but 2020 is already shaping up to be a very special year too by the looks of it...
Our friend @petermckinnon has been spending a lot of time with us pulling together a documentary about the return of AVA- coming in 2020. It’s been a whirlwind year for us and next year is shaping up to be even grander. Listen close, this teaser may have some new music in it as well..... #AVA2020Posted by Angels and Airwaves on Monday, December 30, 2019