Tony Campos "Isn't Opposed" To More Static-X Anniversary Tours In Future

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Jun 22, 2019
3 min read

They kicked off their Wisconsin Death Trip/Wayne Static Memorial Tour throughout America this week before heading down to Australia in August but it seems like Static-X may be open to more touring after this run and their new album Project Regeneration comes out, but only if the fans want it.

Bassist Tony Campos told our very own Browny in this week's Wall of Sound: Up Against The Wall podcast that he's not opposed to the idea when the topic of doing anniversary tours for 2001's Machine or 2003's Shadow Zone was brought up, to which he revealed:

"We haven't really thought that far ahead actually. We're just kinda enjoying the moment, in the now and just like trying to do this [tour] as best as we can and really just enjoy our company again [with original members Ken Jay and Koichi Fukuda]... So when this is all said and done, we'll see, I mean if it's something the fans want I'm certainly not opposed to it"

"If it's something the fans want, we'll definitely keep it in mind for sure" - Tony Campos on Static-X doing more anniversary tours in future years

But, as he mentioned it all comes down to the fans who (not surprisingly) have been more than supportive of the band's reunion, tour plans/decisions and album making process (which was all crowd-funded mind you). It really comes down to what they want and if they're keen to "push it" and see these original members back together again with their infamously illusive frontman, then it could be a reality.

Until then take a listen to the full interview with Tony Campos right here and get your tickets to Static-X's return to Australia from August 22nd.

Tickets on sale now via Metropolis Touring

static x tour

Static-X – Australian Tour

Aug 22nd. Brisbane – Eatons Hill Hotel

Aug 23rd. Melbourne – Croxton Bandroom

Aug 24th. Sydney – Metro Theatre

Aug 26th. Adelaide – The Gov

Aug 27th. Perth – Rock Rover

Tickets Here


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