The Top 10 Fooies Videos

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Jan 19, 2018
7 min read

I’ve taken it upon myself to write a Top 10 Videos by the Foo Fighters list. Mostly because I REALLY love making lists. Like a lot. Not shopping lists though, they’re boring. You might have seen my sleep-deprived-ranting-list as part of the 2017 Year In Review last month (revisit it here). I have good news, I’m less sleep deprived today but I am sugar and caffeine deprived. So why a Top "whatevs" List of music videos? Well because Foo Fighters have some of the best music videos of all time and they need to be celebrated. I bought their best of album years ago because it came with a DVD of their videos. I have much appreciation for a band that puts as much creativity into their videos and photo shoots as they do their music but when you’ve watched enough videos you are left wondering how Dave never got into acting.

#10 - Long Road to Ruin [2007]

This video features actress RashidaJones (If you’ve seen I Love You Man she’s in that) and a whole lot of 70’s nostalgia: dodgy perms, fondue and a sparkly outfit Elvis would be proud of.


#9 - Everlong [1997]

Honestly I just really like the Evil Dead reference but his big hand makes me think of that creepy as fuck “let me use my strong hand” guy in Scary Movie 2.


#8 - ALS Ice Bucket Challenge [2014]

Remember when the Ice Bucket Challenge went viral in 2014? Well if you managed to not see this video you live in a cave with no wifi.


#7 - The One [2002]

You’re not the one but you’re the only one who can make me feel like this
You’re not the one but you’re the only one who can make me feel like shit

I remember nothing about the movie Orange County except this song. That chorus was my anthem for way too long. I’m not sure what it says about a movie that the video clip to a song is better than it though. Like I honestly remember nothing about the movie at all.


#6 - Run [2017]

Once upon a time, Dumbledore had a brother who was in a rock band that caused havoc in an old people's home… but 3:39 just had me going OH MY GOD. That was unexpected. Oh my god they keep showing it. Why?! Make it stop!! Then it ends with a dance off in the street and it’s all dark and I’m just sitting here wondering when Michael Jackson is going to show up. If I had seen this before this week I would have included it in my Top 5 Videos of 2017.


#5 - Big Me [1995]

What this video tells me is that if I had Footos, guys with ego problems at gigs wouldn’t be assholes anymore. Also, Dave looks better in plaits than I do.


#4 - Walk [2011]

I hadn’t seen this video until right now and it’s pure magic. I’m pretty sure we can all relate to Dave in this clip, I know I can right now. I get road rage as a pedestrian. We’ve all wanted to smack the retail clerk (or if you’ve worked in retail you’ve wanted to smack sense into a customer more than once) for being an ass or remind McDonalds that they had one job and making a burger just isn’t that fucking hard and it should be part of the job application to pass a game of Tetris.


#3 - Low [2002]

You kind of feel a little bit like a perve watching this but it’s 5 minutes and 32 seconds of Dave and JackBlack gold.


#2 - Learn To Fly [1999]

I know everyone kisses Eddie Murphy’s ass in regards to his multi-character work in The Nutty Professor but have you seen this video? There’s six Dave’s in this. Maybe it was 7. I suck at maths.


and the winner is...


#1 - Monkey Wrench [1997]

I love the tongue in cheek use of elevator music in this, but mostly I’m including this because red is my favourite colour and it’s probably my fav FOO song. At least in the top 2. This video also makes me think of my neighbour while I watch it. She owns one CD that she plays so loud you expect to walk downstairs and find Lana Del Rey singing in her loungeroom. It’s horrible guys.


List by Kim Anderson.


The Foo Fighters kick off their Australia Tour in Perth on Saturday.

foo tour

Foo Fighters – 2018 Australian Tour

Sat 20 Jan • nib Stadium, PERTH • RSVP
w/ Weezer & Cosmic Kahuna

Tue 23 Jan • Coopers Stadium, ADELAIDE RSVP
w/ Weezer & Amyl and the Sniffers

Thu 25 Jan • Suncorp Stadium, BRISBANE RSVP
w/ Weezer & DZ Deathrays

Sat 27 Jan • ANZ Stadium, SYDNEY RSVP
w/ Weezer & The Preatures

Tue 30 Jan • Etihad Stadium, MELBOURNERSVP
w/ Weezer & Clowns

All shows – All Ages. Tickets Here

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