Stone Sour - Gig Review & Photo Gallery 29th August @ Eatons Hill Hotel, Brisbane QLD

Stone Sour
Eatons Hill Hotel
August 29th, 2017
Support: Bare Bones
The day finally arrived, Stone Sour kicked off the first of two shows in Brisbane to wrap up their short but sweet East Coast tour of new album Hyrdograd and along for the ride were our favourite upcomers Bare Bones, who together put on one hell of a fuckin' rock show for us.
The Bonies kicked off the night's festivities with a plethora of songs from their debut album Bad Habits including 'Dead Man Walking', 'Deathbed Visions' and 'Thick As Thieves' as well as a track previously unheard by my ears called 'Snake City' from the band's Villians EP. Frontman Tom Kennedy owning the stage, despite fracturing vertebrae in his back recently, and the rest of the band were so on point, it's as if they've been doing this for years. But the highlight of the night came from a special guest vox appearance by tour manager (and former Caulfield frontman Jarrod Anthony Martin who joined the boys on stage for a scream-a-thon during 'Strange Brew'. By the end of the show they had the crowd cheering for more but the boys left with a guaranteed accumulation of new fans.
Following this, the epic change over saw the crowd fill up in numbers unexpected for a secondary, non-sold out show but the chants of "Corey, Corey, Corey" meant only one thing, Brisbane was ready for the charismatic frontman to emerge and goddamn he did it in style. Immediately as the band kicked off 'Taipei Person / Allah Tea' the audience erupted in cheers and Mr Taylor gallantly paraded across the stage, assumed his position in front of everyone and lapped up every second of it. He then proceeded to head spin quicker than a regional express plane taking off and got stuck into Stone Sour's 17 song set.
Covering all bases from 2002's Self Titled album and throwbacks to Come What(ever) May and both House of Gold & Bones albums with songs like '30/30-150', 'Blotter' and 'Through Glass' attracting the biggest appraisal from fans, not to mention Corey Taylor shooting confetti into the moshpit via an impressive confetti gun, but bassist (and bearded legend) Johny Chow getting a special shout out for his ability to rock the fuck out like there was no tomorrow.
New album Hydrograd also won over fans with commercial radio banger 'Song #3' getting the crowd moving and 'Rose Red, Violet Blue (This Song Is Dumb & So Am I)' having everyone wonder why the guys gave such a good song a ridiculous name. s far as Encores go, three songs is a pretty good way to wrap up the evening's festivities but, REENACTING THE 'FABULESS' MUSIC VIDEO COMPLETE WITH FUCKIN WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MEN on stage in Brisbane will go down as one of the best experiences I've witnessed at a show. Seriously, they stole the show.
Corey Taylor has always been my unicorn musician (never had the chance to see him live in either Stone Sour or Slipknot before) but I'm glad I finally popped that cherry. Kudos for to the Bare Bones boys for getting on this tour too, it was the best decision they've made so far - Browny (@brownypaul)
Taipei Person/Allah Tea
Made Of Scars
Take A Number
Say You'll Haunt Me
Rose Red, Violet Blue (This Song Is Dumb & So Am I)
Do Me a Favor
Get Inside
Song #3
Through Glass
Gone Sovereign
Absolute Zero
Revisit Episode #1 of Wall of Sound: Up Against The Wall with Corey Taylor co-hosting here and Episode #7 featuring Bare Bones frontman Tom Kennedy here.
Photo Gallery courtesy of Gethin Hill (Gethin Hill Photography)
Please credit Wall of Sound and Gethin Hill if you repost.
Bare Bones
Stone Sour

Stone Sour - East Coast Australian Tour
with Bare Bones
Wednesday 30th August @ Eatons Hill Hotel, Brisbane QLD - SOLD OUT