Napalm Death – Photo Gallery 12th September @ The Triffid, Brisbane QLD
Napalm Death – Photo Gallery 12th September @ The Triffid, Brisbane QLD
Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Sep 19, 2023
7 min read
Napalm Death The Triffid, Brisbane QLD September 12th, 2023 Supports: Wormrot and Awful Noise
Brisbane’s The Triffid was the last Australian stop on Napalm Death’sCampaign For Musical Destruction Tour with Wormrot, bringing together grind fans of all ages.
Locals Awful Noise opened up the night with a tight set to a more than reasonable crowd who got in early. The band even incited a circle pit by mid-set, which is not a bad feat for an opening band on a Tuesday evening.
Singapore's Wormrot gave a blistering half-hourish performance, almost uninterrupted by any sort of chat apart from a bit of a thanks for coming towards the end of the set. The onslaught of extreme noise produced by drummer Vijesh Gharwala and Guitarist Rasyid Juraimi was complemented by the vocals of Gabriel Dubko of Implore.
By the time Naplam Death took the stage there was very little room left in the triffid. The set was made up of tracks that spanned their impressively long career, spanning albums from 1987's Scum to their most recent Those of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism. It was fast, aggressive and…. fun. Frontman Barney Greenway commandeered the stage like a man possessed and half his age – running, jumping and twisting in ways that made my back hurt. Sometimes, when you see a band that has had a career as long as Napalm Death’s you can be left feeling disappointed, however there was no let down tonight! They visibly enjoy and take it as seriously as they did in the 80’s and 90’s.
If you missed this tour – sorry to hear – but fingers crossed they grace us with their presence again in the not too distant future.
Photos by Sean Fabre-Simmonds. Insta: @sean_f.s Please credit Wall of Sound and Sean Fabre-Simmonds if you repost photos.