God Is An Astronaut - Photo Gallery 8th February @ Max Watts, Melb VIC

God Is An Astronaut
Max Watts, Melbourne VIC
February 8th, 2025
Support: Solkyri and Treebeard
The night opened with Treebeard, a band I've had the pleasure of seeing once before when they supported Russian Circles almost exactly a year ago. Again they are perfectly placed here kicking off the night with slow atmospheric almost doomy chords that wash over the slowly filling room. Their whole set ebbs and flows between slow passages and heavy crushing riffs. Next up was Sydney post rock outfit Solkyri. Huge swelling, almost emotional walls of sound contrasting the more straight forward post-rock riffs. They pushed through some technical difficulties with some light hearted banter. Bringing a lot of energy to the stage through movement and smiles, you can tell they really love this, and close out the set with dynamic headbanger 'Pendock & Progress'.
God Is An Astronaut is a band I have wanted to see for years. They are in a class of Post-rock/metal bands that I have been slowly ticking off my must see list and they didn’t disappoint. Their set comprises material over 6 albums, going back to 2006 with a favourite Frozen Twilight and 2002 with From Dust To The Beyond in the 2 song encore. The sound is absolutely massive considering there are only 3 people on stage, probably helps that guitarist Torsten Kinsella has 96,000 pedals in front of him. The night is an absolute credit to Birds Robe and Valhalla for creating these phenomenal tours.