Testament Bringing The Thrash Metal Goodness Down Under

Been waiting for a tour with More Metal than the average?
Go no further than the return of Testament to Australia in June 2025 - and yes all cap cities on the touring circuit will be included considering it's the band's first headline tour back here since 2010. Since then, the Bay Area thrashers have unleashed three albums worth of material for Aussies to catch up on, including Dark Roots of Earth (2012) Brotherhood of the Snake (2016) Titans of Creation (2020).
On their latest album release, WoS reviewer Gareth Williams stated:
“Titans Of Creation is an adrenaline filled apocalyptic masterpiece, ignore it at your peril.”
Want in? You know what to do...
Presale: Thursday 31st October, 9am Local Time
General Public On Sale: Tuesday 5th November, 9am Local time
via Metropolis Touring and The Phoenix

Testement - Australian Tour 2025
Wednesday 18th June - BRISBANE, The Tivoli
Friday 20th June - SYDNEY, The Metro
Saturday 21st June - MELBOURNE, Northcote Theatre
Sunday 22nd June - ADELAIDE - The Gov
Tuesday 24th June - PERTH, Metropolis Fremantle