Hands up if you’re not ok (you promise) because you’re missing out on seeing My Chemical Romance next week. You know how you hear emo fans declaring a band “saved them”, well I’m not saying that, but The Black Parade sure as fuck helped me during my Mum's passing which just happened to fit in with the album's theme – cancer.
I got to see them live a couple of months later, and I put them on my list of bands I’d love to photograph, but then they went and broke up. Typical. When Frank Iero toured a couple of years ago, I made sure to see him because I figured that was as close as I was going to get to My Chemical Romance. Then I lost the photos. Then they reunited! Then they announced tours!! I was so excited!!! Then covid hit and, well, the rest is history.
Next week the band are back in Australia finally and despite being geographically located on the West Coast (Perth represent) I'm sure all you emos on the East side will have the time of your lives... So for those of you like myself who are too poor to commute to Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne, or just REALLY REALLY loathe sunlight and people, I hope for our sakes they tour Australia fully in the future and visit us all.
In the meantime, I’ll be here with my Gerard Way doll, DVDs and telling you all about my favourite songs!
10. 'Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough For The Two Of Us'
This clip shows off their love of horror by ripping off the Japanese film Audition. The song on the other hand has nothing to do with it but it's great listening...
9. 'Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)'
This song is so ridiculous I loved it as soon as I heard it. Unpopular opinion, but it’s the only song I liked on their album Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.
8. 'Helena'
If you’re female and didn’t want the Helena dress after watching this video you’re lying to me and yourself. I’m against having a funeral, but if I do there’s going to be some interpretive dance happening like this!
7. 'I’m Not Ok (I Promise)'
We all have that friend (maybe more than one let's be real) who uses you like a free psychologist (because all the psychologist sessions you’ve had yourself mean you’re practically a qualified doctor - kidding) but it’s 100% all about them. They don’t care about what you’re going through or anyone else because they can’t relate, therefore your problems aren’t valid. Well, they are. So when you got a bitch getting you down just blast this song in their face.
6. 'This Is How I Disappear'
'Without you is how I disappear and live my life alone forever now'
Have you ever felt like a ghost in your own life? That you can lose a parent or a friend and you just cease to exist anymore? The song was inspired by Harry Houdini’s wife who tried to contact her dead husband via a séance but it can be used for many different scenarios including breakups, which most of us have experienced at least once in our lives...
5. 'Vampires Will Never Hurt You'
The song is a metaphor for society but I love vampires, so to me, this is just a song about vampires, ok?
4. 'Welcome To The Black Parade'
Name another song you can recognize with only the first note? I’ll wait. I like to joke I’m always late to the party but this track was my introduction to My Chemical Romance. It was one hell of a gateway drug. I had to have all the things and made my friend in Canada mail me a CD because I couldn’t find it here.
3. 'Teenagers'
The one and only time I got to see My Chemical Romance live was in 2007 for their Perth Big Day Out sideshow. The problem though was it was all ages and there were so many kids up by the barrier I refused to leave the bar, so I don’t actually remember the show. I just remember the kids. 'Teenagers' scare the living shit out of me. Facts!
2. 'Headfirst For Halos'
If you don't love this song, you're denying yourself one of the best-written and executed tracks from MCR's catalogues...
1. 'Cancer'
This might not be a popular choice but hear me out ok: How many songs do you know can reduce you to the foetal position crying before you’ve made it to the chorus? It’s almost been 17 years since The Black Parade was released and I still can’t listen to this song. If you’ve ever cared for or watched someone die of cancer you’ll understand. It sums up the disease so well it’s like reliving your trauma, it hits me so hard emotionally EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear it.
As it turns out even reading the lyrics while writing this is making me emotional. A lot of people think the hardest part for a cancer patient is the treatment and that their only goal is to get better. Can’t say I relate and I know others don’t either. “The hardest part of this is leaving you” sums it all up, not only for the patient but also for the family they leave behind. Big love to anyone who has gone through something similar too and thank you to My Chem for penning such a beautifully important song!
Words by Kim Anderson
Need more MCR in your life? Revisit our Open Love Letter to the band right here
If you or anyone you know needs help with their own mental well-being call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or find your closest Suicide Prevention/Crisis Support Organisation on Google…
My Chemical Romance return to Australia on Monday! OMFG

My Chemical Romance – East Coast Tour 2023
Support: Jimmy Eat World
March 13 @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre – NEW SHOW
March 14 @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre SOLD OUT
March 16 @ Rod Laver Arena, Melb – NEW SHOW
March 17 @ Rod Laver Arena, Melb SOLD OUT
March 19 @ QUDOS Bank Arena, Syd SOLD OUT
March 20 @ QUDOS Bank Arena, Syd – NEW SHOW