Talking about Aussie exports, Newcastle metallers Lycanthrope returned from playing the almighty WACKEN Open Air Festival earlier in the year and they're keeping their momentum flowing with today's drop of new song 'Built On Glass'.
A HEAVY melodic-metal jam that's going to get you moving faster and harder at the gym (or running) with its killer riffs, frantic drums and frontman Daniel Greig's bellowing gutturals. The last time we met the band was for their Chapters album in 2018 and this sounds like a completely new and polished beast.
We grabbed guitarist Aiden Lee for a chat about the new offering, to which he replied:
"As many bands can attest, Covid lockdowns and restrictions put live music to a massive halt. Following our international and domestic tour supporting Devildriver, Covid affected Lycanthrope capitalising on the tour's success... Which left only one thing to do throughout the lockdowns, write. With almost every member living in a different area, we started writing through many video calls and sending song ideas to each other.
Lyrically, Dan [Grieg, vocals] wrote the song about people feeling validation through negativity towards others and, we worked closely with each other to create a mature, energetic and powerful Lycanthrope sound that we are proud of and can’t wait for everyone to hear. We’re stoked with the outcome of working with Matt Clarke for recording and mixing and, Machine for mastering."
[gallery type="rectangular" columns="2" ids="https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/lycanthrope-wacken-open-air-2.jpg|,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/lycanthrope-wacken-open-air.jpg|"]
The guys are also still on a high after scoring the chance to represent Australia at WACKEN 2022 following a competition they took out earlier in the year. On the experience, Aiden explains:
"Wacken, one of the best experiences we’ve ever had as a band. Being the first Australian Metal Battle band to ever represent Australia and New Zealand was an honour. We met amazing people at Waken and became the token, 'Ohh, you’re Aussie. I love Aussies. G’day mate,' through everyone we spoke to. We feel so humbled from the support of the fans back home while we were there and the new friends and fans we made in Germany.'
Turns out the Germans REALLY got into their early set, showing up in droves and throwing down to some quality Aussie metal, as the boys witnessed from the stage:
"The crowd were so engaging through circle pit dust storms, head banging, jumping and throwing horns throughout our set. Also to hear the crowd chanting, 'Lycanthrope, Lycanthrope,' once our set finished almost up until the next band started was an amazing feeling. Wacken was a dream come true for all of us. Through being an unsigned band and funding the whole trip ourselves for the six of us wasn’t cheap and earnt the respect of the other bands and promoters we met. Wacken also helped pave the way for what our live shows can be, where we stand and how to constantly improve and work on delivering a kick ass show."
An incredible achievement for the band and to follow up the experience with a killer new song like this, the only way from here is up! Show the boys some love and hook in!
Follow Lycanthrope on Facebook | Instagram
Stream 'Built On Glass' on all streaming platforms here!