
Dear Seattle Deliver The Warm & Fuzzies in Songform with 'Sungazer'

May 17, 2024
7 min read

It's been a hot minute since we last heard from DearSeattle.On top of being one of the nicest gaggle of blokes in the business, they're currently heading across the country on a massive Australian Tour and what better way to enhance festivities than with a new song to showcase?'Sungazer' is about as post-rock as they come with vibrant backing synths and frontman Brae Fisher's iconic Aussie twang vocals drawing us in like a warm hug on a chilly Winter's morning. When Brae sings, you don't just hear his emotional delivery, you feel it; and it's been that way since we first heard 'TheMeadows' way back in 2017. You'll without a doubt be humming the beat to 'Sungazer' after a couple of spins. It's refreshing and a look at what's to come from DearSeattle with their new music in tow.On the song's inspo, Brae shares

"There’s no right way to go about your life... It’s all just a series of small decisions that make up the whole, and ultimately you can only base those decisions on what brings you the most joy and contentment."

"As a teen I couldn’t understand how people didn’t see life the way I did... and if I didn’t share those values with someone, I figured we weren’t supposed to share our lives. I’ve lost close friends to that mindset, and it sucks, but it’s taught me to accept that everyone is trying, and that the most important thing is that we’re all on the same journey towards happiness. To those friends I’ve lost, go do your thing. Be who you need to be, and just know that I’ll be here regardless, waiting for you with open arms whenever it’s needed."

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Tickets Here[/caption]Love your Aussie music on the softer side, but with endless feels and wholesomeness? I'd highly recommend a session with Dear Seattle - it'll be good for your soul. Give them a spin in this week's Aussie Heavyweights & Hitmaker's Playlist!Words by Paul 'Browny' Brown@brownypaul

Stream 'Sungazer' here
