Hit the gym slim because Black Rheno are hitting the road and there’s a massive chance that you’ve lost your pit fitness over the last year and a bit.
Having toured with the likes of Napalm Death, King Parrot, Phil Anselmo and EYEHATEGOD, these lads from Sydney aren’t the sort of band that’ll gently tiptoe on stage and strum you a lullaby. I’ve seen them live and let me assure you, they’re out to fuck you up.
So do your sit ups, drink your protein whiskey and go watch these manic bastards do their best to cave your ears in and destroy venues Australia wide.
They’re Battle Ready. Let’s see if you are.
Words by DuaneJames@duanejamestattoo
Black Rheno - Battle Ready - East Coast Tour
Friday May 7th - Mo's Desert Clubhouse - Burleigh Heads - QLD
Saturday May 8th - Southside Of Hell Fest, Mansfield Tav - Brisbane - QLD
Friday May 14th - Singing Bird Studios - Frankston - VIC
Saturday May 15th - The Tote - Melbourne - VIC
Friday May 21st - Hamilton Station Hotel - Newcastle - NSW
Saturday May 29th - Baroque Room - Katoomba - NSW
Saturday June 5th - Dicey Rileys - Wollongong - NSW
Friday June 18th - Factory Floor - Sydney - NSW