Infant Annihilator Go Troppo In Music Video For 'Three Bastards'

They may have a pretty brutal name but Infant Annihilator have shown off their fun side with their new music video for 'Three Bastards' which comes from their forthcoming album The Battle of Yaldabaoth (out September 11th).
If soul destroying deathcore is where your musical tastes lie, I'm sure this will be right up your alley. As for me, I think I have an ear infection (which came about before listening to the song) and I think the longer I listen, the more painful it becomes. I guess that's a good thing right?
Pre-Order the new album here
Infant Annihilator - The Battle of Yaldabaoth tracklisting
1 - Childchewer
2 - Three Bastards
3 - The Kingdom Sitteth Lonely Beneath Thine Hollowed Heavens (feat. Trevor Strnad)
4 - Ov Sacrament and Sincest (feat. Storm Strope)
5 - Feast ov Goreglutton
6 - Plaguebearer
7 - Swinaecologist
8 - A Rape of Sirens (feat. Alex Terrible)
9 - Empusa: Queen of the Damned
10 - Ere the Crimson Dawn
11 - Thy Faith, Thy Oblivion
12 - The Battle of Yaldabaoth (feat. Alex Teyen)
13 - Necropocalypse
14 - Paedophilic Legacy