Bring Me The Horizon Head For Pop Rock Territory on 'DiE4u'

Well, you've gotta give the boys credit for trying news things right?
Genre-crossing game-changers Bring Me The Horizon have just dropped their first taste of new material since last year's POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR caught the scene by surprise with their return to the heavier side of music - however this new song is like a complete change in direction in comparison to what we heard on that EP, so I guess we CAN expect a different sound on this next POST HUMAN phase...
'DiE4u' is a very pop rock, synth-heavy bop with upbeat auto-tuned singing in the chorus and only hints of frontman Oli Sykes' infamous screams throughout. Lyrically, it's very safe. Repetative, yet catchy as all hell after a couple spins, you may turn your nose up at this instantly, but find yourself humming it in a few hours time. From a fan perspective, it's similar to what The Amity Affliction have been doing over the past couple of years - releasing pop sounding songs with heavy elements hinted at or mentioned in the lyrics - this song in particular reminds me of 'I Bring The Weather With Me' (especially around the breakdown synthdown at the 2:48 mark!)
When discussing the inspiration for 'DiE4u', Oli revealed:
“DiE4u is a song about toxic obsessions, vices and things you can’t kick. I think a lot of people went through very similar struggles while in lockdown, coming face to face with yourself and seeing who you really are and what’s important. The song is a triumphant and emotional one for me because it was a time of realisation to kick the things that were no good, and to take the choice in bettering myself. It also connects to a deeper theme about us as a society, and how we need to look at the way we treat ourselves, each other as well as the world."
Falling for the wrong poeple. Being lead astray. Knowing what you're doing is going to come back and haunt you in years to come. They all fit into how this song relates to your life, it's just up to you whether you'll find that connection or listen purely for background noise on this #NewMusicFriday. The music video is also very bloody too. Like a alot!
Stream 'DiE4u' here