Reside Hits Back At Windwaker In BR00TAL Interview
Ever since Liam Guinane departed Windwaker to focus more on his other project Reside, the rest of Windwaker have been hiding their sadness by creating memes about the situation and keeping busy working on new material...
While it's pretty evident that hiding behind memes is definitely a coping mechanism, the Reside boys have decided to take matters into their own hands once and for all, and taken complete control of this exclusive interview with Windwaker. Frustrations will be vented. Secrets unveiled and closure finally given to the boys so they can all move on with their lives... well maybe that last part is a stretch, but anyway, suss out the band's deepest and darkest secrets via Reside's awkward/hard-hitting questions below...
What was it like to have Liam leave after you peaked?
Google “exponential growth”.
Is it uncomfortable telling people you’re actually a band and not a meme page?
It does get pretty exhausting having to explain that to our many, many fans, yes.
You’ve cycled through a lot of guitarists through the band’s lifespan, have you considered that maybe YOU are the problem?
Hmm, not sure. They all tend to leave once they find out they‘re in the backing track.
The name “Wind Waker” is commonly associated with the Legend of Zelda game that released in 2003, is this a subtle nod to the idea that once we’ve cycled through your catalogue that we can wait for a newer and better band after a couple years?
There is a lot of deadweight through our catalogue, if you catch our drift.
Will Eggleton was one of your founding guitarists but now plays for Reside alongside Liam, another former guitarist of yours. Our question is: how long until you all give up on Windwaker to join Reside?
“Give up” being the keywords here.
You guys got a great opportunity to play the UNIFY 2020 pre-party. What was the feeling in the room when you guys realised you were opening for us?
We remember our legs being very sore, but I guess that’s the price of carrying another band through their career.
You’ve had some great reception on your live medley of 'Take Me With You' and with Bring Me the Horizon's 'Sleepwalking' and 'Can You Feel My Heart'. How many more of their songs are you planning to plagiarise?
Probably a few more million streams worth.
You guys originated in the small regional town of Wagga Wagga in NSW before moving the band and the music down to Melbourne. Did the town host any kind of celebration when you finally left?
Are you asking us to describe for you what a crowd looks like? We’ll send you boys a postcard from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Br00tal! But wait, there's more!
Come back tomorrow when the tables are turned and Windwaker antagonises Reside getting a whole bunch of shit off their chests in the process...