Deathbeds Give Fans Phone Anxiety with 'No Caller ID' feat. Dylan Davidson
A lot of bands this year have honed in on the personal effects of mental health (depression, anxieties, loneliness, toxicity etc.) few dare to touch on one’s own matters when it comes to family. Canberra’s psycho, gothic-metalcore party group Deathbeds have phoned in with an open-hearted and minded confession of the deep scars left by blood that was once kin, in the best form they know how. Riffs.Blasting straight through the door like cops in riot gear armed with flash bangs, Deathbeds waste no time grabbing you by the ears, facing you eye to eye with Davey Oliver’s blistering fry screams quickly switching to strained yells to lows boasting his renounced vocal versatility. The constant beat switch up every few bars (or so) captives the true inner chaotic aggravation to back the songs very upfront aggressive feel. Hectic variety in Anthony Hyde’s guitar tearing through opens, scales, harmonics and some sick techie-riffs, keeping Deathbeds heavily cemented into their dark metal roots while keeping that taste of a djentier side still gingerly showing in their rhythms. To keep the rage coursing Deadlight's own Dylan Davidson makes an appearance with screeching yells to incite the negatively tempered image of inflicting harm to the one who scarred you the most. A not so subtle reminder shows you the door to the end of the single menacingly whispering “you’ll get what’s coming to you”, karma.
It’s clear a lot of mental energy was put into the creative process lyrically and all-round for ‘No Caller ID’. To relive your trauma openly in a song for the world to hear or even understand is a hard thing in its own way. As you can see, Deathbeds are strong enough to move forward from their personal anguish and come out on top with sick tunes by their side. Keep your instruments warm, we hope to hear more soon.Words by Ed Atlas (@YourFavouriteMerchGuy)
Stream 'No Caller ID' here