RedHook Take Aim At Music Industry Dinosaurs in Upbeat Track 'SAY'

Okay, I know we're late to the party, but fashionably late is my forte... 💅
Aussie genre-crossers RedHook have made their return with new music that the band have revealed is their second totally self-produced release, and they've hit it out of the ballpark as anticipated. 'SAY' is the new jam and its full of rock'n riffs, uptempo drums and frontwoman Emmy Mack's alluring vocal performance - blending their electro-pop rock sound with that overall late 90s/early 2000s feel (and not to forget music video vibes) the band have dabbled in over the course of their career.
With lyrics that state 'And it’s the same old boring story / A million in his-story / These big bloodsuckers / Abusing power for glory / They’re just getting way more stealthy now / So shutup, shutup, shutup,' my mind drifted to a little music industry event that took place last week, and how there are still plenty of out of touch "experts" in the industry passing on outdated knowledge...
"'SAY' is a song about being made to feel voiceless, even when you’re screaming at the top of your lungs. It was inspired by some early brushes with sexism I had in the Australian music industry that really messed me up - being told I needed to conform to an easily digestible female rock artist stereotype or I’d never “make it”, being told I had to achieve success by age 25 or I’d never “make it”, and just generally feeling like I’d lost agency over my own music and career. I wrote this song as a middle-finger to all the sexist fat cats who still linger in high places, and to empower anyone who’s ever been pushed around."
We love a good fuck you song! Get it India below.
Stream 'SAY' here