Mark Hoppus Has Officially Kicked Cancer In The Nuts!

Mark Hoppus is Cancer Free! Five words I have been waiting to say since blink-182's Mark Hoppus first revealed to the world he was battling cancer back in June.
For those not keeping track, Mark kept us all updated of his journey through chemotherapy (via his socials) taking us through the ups and downs of his battle, which at times, personally became hard to even read via other news outlets. The intial announcement sent shockwaves throughout the alternative music scene and we all waited with baited breath for his next update. From the debut of his new badass bald look on July 4th...
...through to his hard-hitting truth bombs about how hard it was to walk with his wife Skye, and son Jack only a couple days later...
Mark fought hard and not once backed down from this endearing moment of his life and his motivation to kick cancer in the neither region was highly infectious to witness. With every post, we learned new information about his fight and how he was settling in the recovery process. There were plenty of ups, a few downs, but for the most part, Mark pushed through and kept in high spirits the entirety of journey - from what he was willing to share with us online.
On September 16th, just two weeks ago - Hoppus informed us that he wasn't needed to attend his "normal" chemo therapy session and would be having his final scan on September 29th to find out if he had officially kicked cancer... This has been the longest two weeks we've all had to wait for anything!
On the plus side though, Mark showed off his new do with follicles of white hair coming through - does this mean we're going to see a new silver fox side of Mark Hoppus once it all comes back?
But, the news we've all been waiting for officially came through this morning - Mark Hoppus is cancer free and we are absolutely stoked, proud, relieved, happy, ecstatic, in love with him for all he has been through. But we're thankful this was the end result.
To be honest, I didn't know how to articulate this article better than the above. I have been struggling to fathom the news since it was first announced, and I couldn't bear to look at any updated articles throughout his struggles because it just kept ripping my heart open. We grow up and latch onto these humans, who become our heroes, and to see them struggling not only brings them back down to human level - like the rest of us - but proves that not everyone is invincible.
As a long term blink-182 fan, first getting through Travis Barker's plane crash/road to recovery and now Mark's cancer scare, it truly puts everything into perspective about why we appreciate the people who helped shape and save our own lives. By following Mark's story, it's not only given hope to others going through a similar situation, but hopefully his positivity and motivation to kick the disease from day dot will inspire countless others to follow in his footsteps.
Go send Mark your love and anyone you know who has been affected by cancer. It sucks, but with your support, you never know who needs to hear they're being thought of during such a difficult time.
Words by Paul ‘Browny’ Brown @brownypaul