Ummm Destroy All Lines Are Planning A New Two-Day Metal/Punk/Rock Festival

If you didn't know already, I've got a bit of an overactive brain and I am constantly on the look out for new music, bands, news and events to report on because I just can't stop processing information at a rapid pace... #Shinfo I know, but that mentality is what lead me to just discovering this festival that Destroy All Lines are planning (sorry if I ruined the surprise folks).
I was on their website looking trying to work out all of the new postponed dates for their upcoming shows and came across a link for Knight and Day Festival - which is is being dubbed as a Metal. Punk. Rock. Festival taking place on 30th & 31st December, 2021 at Kryal Castle in Ballarat.
There is no other information about the event other than the below Social Media accounts which are set up but lacking any content however DAL head honcho Chris O'Brien has liked the Facebook Page so it's gotta be legit if he's involved.
We'll keep an eye on this but thought it might be worth passing into you legends first!
Spotted by Paul Browny Brown @brownypaul
Knight and Day Festival
December 30 & 31, 2021 at Kryal Castle, Ballarat
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