Like Moths To Flames Drop Two Surprise New Songs
It hasn't been an awfully long time since metalcore titans Like Moths To Flames released their heaviest LP yet No Eternity In Gold (our review here), but overnight they've dropped B-sides 'Basilisk' and 'Inherit the Tragedy'. Despite the surprise, we are by no means upset by the release of the two new tracks. I guess, the #YearOfTheMoth continues?!
'Basilisk' fits in with the LP's style and is barely a B-side release. The song is fast and includes a clean vocal chorus effort from frontman Chris Roetter who told us he really stretched his vocal range for the 2020 album (more in that interview here). The track is groovy, packed with riffs and will certainly tie you over to #NewMusicFriday.
'Inherit the Tragedy' is even heavier and has Like Moths To Flames engrossed in blistering heaviness, with no remorse from Roetter. This track fits in with last year's record even more than 'Basilisk' and if the band could've fit more on it I reckon this one would have definitely made the cut. The drums pound throughout and Roetter alternates between his two vocal styles, leaving your mind blown and heightening expectations on how heavy this band can get.
Words by Ricky Aarons (@rickysaul90)
Check out Like Moths To Flames B-side tracks 'Basilisk' and 'Inherit the Tragedy' here.