Agapanther - Overdue (EP Review)

Agapanther – Overdue EP
Released: December 11th, 2020
Kyle Kenworthy // vocals/guitar
Dylan Kenworthy // vocals/guitar
Harry Mason // drums
Coen Miller // lead guitar
There’s something special about a debut EP. Maybe it’s a combination of excitement over the first sounds of a young band and the thought that this is possibly the beginning of something really great. And I’m just gonna say it straight up—we have a winner, ladies and gents!
Agapanther are an Adelaide band, and their debut EP is called Overdue. And yeah, it is overdue! I wanted this in my ears way earlier than December! Where have they been hiding this from us? But it’s okay, I’m calm. It’s here and you all had better jump on board. Why? Oh, I’ll tell you.
Agapanther’s style of whimsical, melodic hardcore is to die for. Take ‘Hypochondriac’ for example, it’s the opening track and immediately we know what this band is about. Bit of grit, sweet as drum rhythms, and melodies that sweep you off your feet. Did you hear that Violent Soho inspired ‘yeeeaahhh!’? Glorious.
I need to talk about singability. Is that a word? Not really but you get me. It’s a sought-after quality to create songs that are so singable and easy to pick up, like ‘Haven’. The back up singing in this track is ideal, and if the crowds aren’t joining in on this song I’ll chuck a fit. Make sure you note the lead up to that sweet, sweet note. Kyle Kenworthy’s vocals are strong and clear and great.
Convinced yet? Don’t worry, I’ll keep going. These guys really know how to change pace and keep you hooked at the same time. ‘Saint’ doesn’t feel like an overly slow song, yet it is. This one took two years to write and is about Kyle and Dylan Kenworthy’s Nan who passed away, it’s beautiful. And cute little backstory here, the outro was inspired by the memory of entering her car and always hearing her favourite radio station that played music from the 50s. This song just works. Who knew you could incorporate some 50s into the hardcore/punk genre.
Agapanther throw salutes to their peers and it’s nice to hear them give a nod to the bands they look up to. ‘Vacant’ has Sleep Talk vibes, another Adelaide band that I quite love (and you should too), and this track relies heavily on guitar riffs with vocals to compliment. And even better, it leads straight into the last track ‘Pour’! It’s incredibly satisfying when tracks flow into the next and then morph into something else.
There’s a very palatable quality about this song, and this band. And that’s not to say that it won’t give you a little bit of fun on the way down, but it’s accessible and summery and feels like what I wish I’d look like as a skater girl—carefree and insanely cool.
Need another reason? Get out of here. Agapanther have delivered Overdue with a precision beyond their years. They’ve really set themselves up strongly for a ridiculously exciting future, and I’ll be following cause I’ve swallowed the bait and I’m hooked.

Agapanther – Overdue EP tracklisting
- Hypochondriac
- Haven
- Saint
- Vacant
- Pour
Rating: 10/10
Overdue is out on Friday 11th, December. Pre-save it here.
Review By Ebony Story