New Music

SURPRISE! Every Time I Die Dropped Two New Tracks

Dec 7, 2020
7 min read

Okay you ETIDiots, the time has come to once again change your Top Songs List of 2020 because Every Time I Die have delivered not one, but two brand new brand new songs for us to lose out shit over and goddamn it's gonna be a good day!

On the new offerings, frontman Keith Buckley says the songs are:

“two sides of the same reactionary coin. While ‘A Colossal Wreck’ looks around at the current state of the world and says ‘life is a punishment and only the worst of us thrive’ and, ‘Desperate Pleasures’ takes a more optimistic approach and renounces the nihilistic/accelerationist attitude of the voice that came before. It says that without hope, even in the face of such universal anguish, only death is certain and to give up now when those around us need it most is a treacherous act of pure cowardice. That said, I'm not sure which is worse, being a coward or being a cynic. Probably a coward. At least cynics have a sense of humour.”

'A Colossal Wreck' is a fast and furious assault on the senses and your typical ETID cirple pit starter song. The riffs are heavy and frantic as fuck. Frontman Keith Buckley's vocals are so crisp you can almost taste them through the speakers (shut up, you know what I mean) and holy shit this has me moist for what's to come.

The second song is 'Desperate Pleasures' and this would have to be my fav of the two as lyrically, it reflects what's going on in the world at the moment with a new soundtrack to get us through the remaining days of the year. In this, I hear elements of the band's previous albums (from Gutter Phenomenon through to From Parts Unknown) and if it doesn't get you wanting to start a wall of death in your lounge room, then you're obviously not listening to it right.

Both songs are being touted as a single release (so a two-track release) and it's unclear at the moment if they will be part of the band's new album they've been working OR if they're a special treat to get fans keen for their upcoming Live Stream which they're doing this year instead of their annual Tid The Season... fuck you COVID!

We'll update these once we get more info into us but until then, prepare your necks in anticipation for more new music from our fav ETIDiots in 2021!

Stream them here

Track listing:
Release Date:

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