Say Hey To THE RIOT And Their New Song 'Same Blunt'

Been looking for a band to fill the void in between Fever 333 songs? I think we've found it... The Riot are a three-piece outfit with a sound akin to that of the heaviness that The Prodigy produced and a fire in their bellies for change like the lads in Fever 333 and their new song is going to turn heads.
Bit of a backstory first. The lads met while scaling a fence to get into a venue and realised they all had a similar passion for making music, politics and not being defined to a specific genre. They got together, had a jam and next minute The Riot was born! While they're a relatively new band, they should get your attention with their new track 'Same Blunt' below.
Check it out and if you like what you hear follow them on Facebook and Instagram