Pssst! R U N Dropped A Couple Of New Tracks To Froth Over!

Australia's latest heavy act R U N certainly made waves with their debut single 'For You' scoring rave reviews across the board and now the band featuring The Racket's Lochlan Watt and Mike Deslandes (YLVA/High Tension) have kept the momentum going with the release of two further singles this week which has caught us all off guard.
'Find Peace' and 'Will Never' appeared online just before and it seems a little weird that the band would drop two new songs in one week. In my years of doing this music publication game, it's not very often an act would release two banging tracks in the space of a few days (unless they're released as a double single drop) so get them into you while you can because who knows what they guys are up to and what they'll do next.
Either way, your afternoon is definitely going to get a little heavier with these in your life!