You've been asking for it and now we're delivering the goods to you with Wall of Sound's first ever merch line launching today! This has been something we've been working on for quite a bit of time, trying to perfect and make sure we had the right product that we were proud enough to see you wearing on your own backs!
WoS Owner (and first time clothing model) Paul 'Browny' Brown was extremely chuffed with the idea finally becoming a reality revealing:
"I've wanted to launch a Wall of Sound clothing line for a while now, mainly because so many of our loyal readers have been asking about when they'll be able to get a shirt to wear around the place. After a few failed attempts, we finally have a worthy product that I'm keen to share with you all and I can tell you this now, this is just the start of what's to come..."
The first release will feature our OG Logo design, along with what we're calling The 'Rona' Range, a topical, limited release we hope will try and make light of the current situation we're all in at the moment. There's short and a long sleeve option available, all printed on AS Colour Staple for all you Gildan haters and you can get your grubby little hands on them via the link below + they ship internationally for our overseas fans!
[gallery ids="https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-og-f.png|WoS OG Logo (F),https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-og-back.png|WoS OG Logo (B),https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-corona-1.png|Coronavirus Quarantine Crew (F),https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-corona-2.png|Coronavirus Quarantine Crew (B),https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-stay.png|Stay Away Shirt (B),https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-list-pop.png|Lockdown List PP,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-list-metalcore.png|Lockdown List Metalc,https://wallofsoundau.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/wos-list-metal.png|Lockdown List Heavy Metal" type="square" columns="4"]
Browny wanted to send his heart-felt thanks out to you all for the support you've given Wall of Sound over the past 5 and a bit years we've been operating:
"I just personally wanted to say a huuuge thank you to everyone who has supported Wall of Sound over the years. From our OG readers, through to the constant commentators, supporters, friends and family alike, you all make this worth doing each and every day and we ALL value your constant interactions, sharing and (from time to time) disapproval of our opinions... We do this for you and without you, we're nothing!"
To get your hands on your own pretty fly Wall of Sound merch - Click Here
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtTR-_Klcq8&w=853&h=480]