Watch Batman SHRED In Heavy Metal Heroes’ New ‘Ghostbusters’ Cover

To get you up to speed, Heavy Metal Heroes are a group of pop culture-loving blokes who don superhero costumes and whip out metal covers of infamous songs. In the past, they’ve covered the likes of N*Sync, Britney Spears and even ‘America Woman’ featuring a pole dancing Poison Ivy (Batman villain for the ill informed).

With Halloween coming up at the end of the month, the lads have covered the Ray Parker JR classic ‘Ghostbusters‘ complete with their own storyline, plot twist and you know what, it’s pretty decent.

Take a look, show the kids and have a laugh…


About Paul 'Browny' Brown (3887 Articles)
Dad, Wall of Sound Boss Man/Editorial Manager, Moshpit Enthusiast & Professional Beard Grower!