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Crazy Eighty Eight Are The Post-Hardcore Supergroup You Should Be Frothing Over Right Now

Supergroups consisting of famous (or infamous) members of well known bands tend to have to work twice as hard as regular bands because of the high expectations fans have for them. Take The Damned Things for example, you’ve got members of Fall Out Boy, Anthrax, Every Time I Die and (only recently) Alkaline Trio making some sweet southern heavy metal together, however, they aren’t as popular as their first musical incarnations (which is a total shame because their latest album High Crimes is fucking brilliant, suss our review here). Australia has the likes of Wither and Dealer classed in the “supergroup” category and both of those bands are doing a pretty good job of flying the heavy flag down under, but have only been about for less than a year or so, so far.

A band of misfits known as Crazy Eighty Eight have been making noise for about two years now and have slowly but surely started getting their name out there across the globe which is exciting for those of us who have been frothing them for almost the entirety of their incarnation (we’ve played them a few times on our Wall of Sound: Up Against The Wall podcast for all of you OG legends). The post-hardcore band is made up of Patty Walters (As It Is), Lauren Babic (Red Handed Denial) and Jarrod Alonge (YouTuber) and to be honest with you, they’re fucking incredible. Think Beartooth and Pierce The Veil combined with 30 Seconds to Mars and The Used and you wouldn’t be too far removed from what this band sound like and if that gets you excited, they’ve got a debut album for you to froth over called Burning Alive which came out towards the end of 2018.

In the past, we’ve reviewed previous releases from Babic’s band Red Handed Denial (check it out here) and Patty’s As It Is (that review here) but there’s just something about this group that keeps me coming back for more and I can’t turn away…

The reason I’m bringing them up is because they released a new music video for their song ‘Fortune and Glory, Kid‘ a couple of weeks back which completely slipped past my peripherals and I HAD to do something about it, to get it in front of you. If you like melodic vocals, screams, breakdowns and group chants a plenty, get this is your earholes. Then, track down the album right here and get amongst everything the band have to offer.

Let’s hope someone brings the band down to Australia to infect the masses down here… looking at you UNIFY/Good Things Festival

Suss them out on Facebook and Instagram

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