Tom DeLonge finally addresses his blink-182 departure and admits he's no longer part of the band

Oh man, this is rough. Over four years after the infamous fallout between blink-182's Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker the former and much-loved frontman has finally admitted his side of the story, revealing he left the band to focus on changing the world via his company To The Stars...
Now, I know what you're thinking, this is old news and it's been covered a thousand times before, but with so many conflicting articles out there about him leaving or getting kicked out, we've never really had an official word about his future and whether or not he'll be rejoining at some point in the future... until now.
In a promotional video for To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, Tom heartbreakingly admitted:
“The last show I played was in front of 100,000 people and then they wonder why I’m not doing that now and I’ll say because this is the one moment in my life where I'm gonna be able to look back as an old man and say ‘oh my god, I was apart of the team that changed the world,'”
He also goes on to reveal that as an artist he was able to conquer all he wanted to do with music, but wanted to try and do something else, hence why the idea of To The Stars... came about to create science fiction based films, books, tv shows and comics which he described as:
"kind of like a science fiction based Disney, but for Millenials"
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He goes on to once again explain where the company is at, what is about to come in the form of their multi-media executions and who he has on the team to make all of this happen.
The promo video ends with the final nail in the coffin for blink fans when he admits:
"I wanted to make a quick message to let you know that from the heart, I left my band and all that I was known for because this the moment in time where I can change the world for my kids... and everybody else's. I would love for you to consider doing that with us."
I'm not crying, you are........