BREAKING: Story of the Year respond to Phillip Sneed's ousting + announce Adam Russell's return

This has been one of the weirdest and most hard hitting weeks for Story of the Year fans ever following the revelation of longtime member Phillip 'Moon' Sneed's ousting via a social media post where he stated he was told by management he'd no longer be in the band.
Well we've been waiting with baited breath for some sort of announcement to come from the rest of the SOTY members about what is going on and they've just announced via their own Facebook page, their accounts (kinda/sorta) of what's going on:
"A band is a unique type of relationship. It’s a sort of family business/marriage hybrid—a marriage of creative, passionate, complex individuals. Like many relationships, it can be a rollercoaster of experiences, emotions, challenges, wins, losses, regrets, resentments, fights, reconciliations, the whole nine yards. And through it all, over time, things change. Circumstances change. Relationships change—sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. And sometimes change means making significant and incredibly difficult decisions."
They also go on to reveal some exciting news with the return of a much loved former member:
"Let us assure you, this was not a decision made in haste. Rather, it was made after exhaustive deliberation and reflection over a long period of time. Difficult as it may be to understand from the outside, we respectfully ask for your trust that this change is truly best for everyone involved. With that said, we are incredibly excited to welcome back our original bass player and root beer enthusiast, Adam “The Motherfuckin Skull” Russell!"
We can understand the band not going into more details about the situation, legal matters and all that will affect what can and can't be said, but hopefully this may offer a glimpse of whats going on within the band ahead of their Australian Tour in May.
Once again we'll keep you up to date as news breaks on this matter. Full statement below

Story of the Year – Australian Tour
1 May – Perth – Amplifier Capitol
3 May – Brisbane – The Triffid
5 May – Sydney – The Metro Theatre
6 May – Melbourne – 170 Russell