Philip Sneed ousted from Story of the Year ahead of Australian Tour

Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Mar 28, 2018
3 min read

A big what the? moment appeared not too long ago on Story of the Year rhythm guitarist Philip Sneed's Instagram page when he said he was the "Former Guitar/Bass" for the band and today it's been confirmed he's been ousted from the band according to an Instagram post.

In the statement he announced:

"It’s with a broken heart that I confirm that Story Of The Year has decided to move on as a band without me. Shortly after performing for two back to back sold out shows I learned, through management, that the band had chosen to do so. To be clear, this was not mutual or voluntary on my part..."

He goes on to talk about his time within the band since joining way back in 2003 stating:

"This isn’t what I’ll choose to remember though. What I will choose to remember, and keep near to my heart, is the FIFTEEN years of sacrifice, dedication, loyalty, fun and hard work that were given to this band and the incredible amount of PEOPLE, experiences, bands, crew, relationships, education and love that was given back to us throughout this amazing ride.  What I was able to do in my youth is nothing short of an undeserved gift and miracle given to me by each and every fan, friend and supporter of our band over these 15 years. I will forever be in the debt to my fans across the planet!"

"...Do I wish things were different? Of course. But I will not allow this or anything to sour my now or my future and what is in my control. I wish this could go on forever. I certainly wish it didn’t end like this but I will continue to strive for growth in all of the new chapters of my life."

Ouch. The band just released their latest album Wolves in December last year (our review here) and are heading down under in May alongside Void of Vision for a full Australian Tour. No word yet on who is replacing Moon, however former bassist Adam 'The Skull' Russell has made appearances in shows over in the states, although it's unconfirmed if he's back in the band.


We'll keep you posted as this story develops but read Phil's full statement below...

soty tour

Story of the Year – Australian Tour

1 May – Perth – Amplifier Capitol

3 May – Brisbane – The Triffid

5 May – Sydney – The Metro Theatre

6 May – Melbourne – 170 Russell

Tickets Here

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