Hed PE - Gig Review & Photo Gallery 21 March @ Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane QLD
Hed PE - Gig Review & Photo Gallery 21 March @ Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane QLD
Heavy Metal Wordsmith
Mar 23, 2018
7 min read
(HED) P.E Woolly Mammoth, Brisbane, QLD December 21, 2018 Supports: Dirty Brew and Kobrakai
Up to Brisbane to the Woolly Mammoth we went on Wednesday night to catch (HED) P.E on their first Australian show of their Worldwide Unity Tour.
First on the menu were Brisbane boys DirtyBrew, who threw an awesome set, serenading the crowd with totally wicked tunes, you could see they were having a ball on stage, the vibe spread the crowd was pumped! These guys are definitely one to keep watching.
Next up we heard from local Brisbane boys Kobrakai, who put up a great show and for once we could see the drummer! Some rocking tunes, these boys had a message to share and its seems it reached the ears of an eager crowd.
And then at last, in a bustling hot crowded room, sound check began, the crowd got excited and restless, we all moved to the stage and finally (hed) P.E appeared, smashing straight into it with their first song 'Killing Time'. The crowd went off!
Hed did not disappoint, serving up a number of favourites, impressing fans with their fusion of reggae, hip hop and a bit of metal, weaving a bit of Marley 'Get up Stand Up' and 'BuffaloSoldier' with their one tunes - won me over! Frontman Jahred whipped out the old skool mouth piano – its only the second time ive seen one of these instruments used live and it was mesmerising!
Crowd surfers catching waves like a busy beach in summer, one after another sailed over an ecstatic crowd.
Currently touring Australia, don’t miss out!
Review and Photo Gallery by Bec O’Reilly. Please credit Wall of Sound and Bec O’Reilly if you repost. Find Bec on Facebook and Instagram.