The Fever 333 announce "We're Coming In" to your life with a heavy af debut song

Last month we reported about ex-letlive frontman Jason Aalon Butler's new musical venture The Fever 333 alongside Aric Improta and Stephen Harrison, who had their debut performance in the carpark of a donut shop. The results were phenomenal and lapped up by fans instantly who were waiting for a recorded version of the band to reach the depths of the internet... well that day has finally come.
'We're Coming In' is a heavy assault to your ears that seriously fills you with enough energy to flip a car (please don't flip a car though) and goddamn we are excited. No album details yet but you can guarantee we'll be one of the first to review that bad by when it's released. Until then, catch a Fever...
If you're lucky enough to live in the states, the band have a show coming up that costs $3.33. Go you lucky sons of bitches.